News & Event
9th Ant Anniversary August 8th, 2020

For 9 years, Ant Charity has been established and served children in need in Jakarta, Dawung, Sanur, Tojan and Toraja. In the future Ant realizes there will be many challenges to face especially in the midst of this pandemic situation. Ant hopes that the tagline "Bring Light to The Kids" will encourage its enthusiasm and motivation to continue bringing light and hopes for thousands of children in need in this country. Gathering the smiles of Indonesian children as the next generation of the nation with the same belief “BERSAMA KITA KUAT" (together we are strong). Ant Charity, as a form of gratitude, held a 9th Ant Anniversary event through Zoom. Even though this event was held online due to the current pandemic conditions, made it impossible to meet in person, the event was very lively, inviting donors, partners, volunteers, foster parents, board and guest stars Dr. Vito Anggarino Damay, Sp.JP., M.Kes., FIHA., FICA, FAsCC and Anya Dwinow as well as performing attractions from Ant Charity children. A big thank you to the donors, partners, volunteers, foster parents and everyone who has supported Ant Charity for the past 9 years. Without the support of everyone we might not be able to reach our current age. Let's be together with Ant Charity to continue bringing light and hopes that Indonesian children can achieve their dreams and become the pride of their families and the nation. Together we are strong through every challenge in the future.

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