Hi Ant Friends, how time flies!Soon we will enter the end of 2022 this December.Surely there are many moments of ups and downs and things that can motivate us again so that next year will be lived even better. Likewise, Ant Charity Indonesia is very grateful to have been able to pass this year well, sheltering and serving with sincere hearts for our beloved foster kids both at the Jakarta, Dawung and Tojan Life Centers.
To celebrate this momentous gratitude, the Founder of Ant Charity @agustinramli along with the Board, Fundraisers, Staff and Teaching Volunteers gathered together yesterday 6 December 2022, for our annual gathering at a simple get-together dinner. We use this moment not only for nurturing friendships, but also to talk about what we have experienced during the past year of running this Foundation, and what we want to create next year.
Apart from having a reunion, talking about the Foundation and foster kids, we also captured this moment by exchanging simple gifts to add to the cheer.
We hope that the Ant Charity will continue to stand strong in the coming years and that the foster kids will become smarter and more enthusiastic about learning. "Success always for Ant Charity Indonesia Foundation!”