News & Event
22nd February 2022, Tuesday
On Saturday, February 12th, Antcharity children's received a zoom invitation from BSD. and The theme of the event is 'Study Date With Study Council' and consists of several activities. Starting with listening to the princ...
22nd February 2022, Tuesday
The activities of the Children's of Antcharity Foundation this Sunday in each of the life centers,such as Dawung, Jogja and Tojan, Bali. They are Live attend classes and offcourse by following the health protocols in each region. The Childr...
22nd February 2022, Tuesday
In early January, the Ant Charity Foundation, especially the Tojan life center, received a visit from Exquisite Media with one of the representatives, sister Lenny M Tanu. They are welcomed by kak Agustin Ramli at the Tojan life center. Exq...

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