News & Event
25th August 2022, Thursday
HiAntfriends,thisAugust,wehaveseenthatalongtheway,flagsandknick-knackshavebeeninstalledalongthewaytocelebratethe77thIndependenceDayoftheRepublicofIndonesia. The kids at the Tojan Life Center also welcomed independence by holding some compet...
25th August 2022, Thursday
Hi friends, on Saturday, August 13, 2022, WeCare Charity Group invited the kids at Life Center Jakarta to celebratetheir 12th birthday with 1000 other children. The event, held at Scientia Square Park, Gading Serpong, was lively. Thechildre...
25th August 2022, Thursday
Hi friends, we meet again with the kids at the Dawung Life Center, Yogyakarta. This is our following activity on theweekend, namely a group learning activity. On Saturday, July 30, 2022, we did a joint activity, making creativity fromorigam...

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