News & Event
25th September 2022, Sunday
Hi ant friends, let's see the latest updates on the activities of the foster children of the Jakarta Antcharity Life Center Foundation, Saturday, September 24. As usual, they received an additional class in mathematics by Miss. Natali, the ...
25th September 2022, Sunday
Hello friends, on September 11th, the members of the Antcharity life center, Tojan, received a visit from the founder of the Antcharity Foundation, Sis @Agustinramly. Her visits was in order to hold NAYP (New Academy Year Party) which is he...
25th September 2022, Sunday
Hi friends, take a look at the activities of the Dawung Ant Charity Foundation foster Children on Saturday 17 September 2022. Ant Charity Dawung's Children came to the life center to take an additional Mathematics class which was guided by ...

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