News & Event
New Academic Year Party July 18th, 2020

The New Academic Year Party (NAYP) is the most awaited moment by children of Ant Charity, because it is a celebration of transition to a new school grade. However, this time the New Academic Year Party (NAYP) was differently held from the previous years. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, it has not been possible for children to gather to celebrate NAYP at their respective Live Centers. However, all of this did not reduce the joy of all children, this time NAYP was being held online through Zoom. The NYAP event was held by joining with the all three of Ant Charity Life Centers (Jakarta, Bali, Jogja). The event was very lively because only at this time the children could get acquainted with friends from other areas. Each Live Center performed its attraction, including dancing, singing, poetry and pantomime. The event was getting even more lively with guest star, Kak Tracy Trinita who brought a very interesting story that taught everyone there to always feel grateful in every situation. In the end, everyone hoped that this pandemic would quickly pass, and things would get better so that the children could learn and do activities as it was before.

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