Share the Love with Hotel Santika Palu
On Sunday morning, June 15th 2013 at 9 am, we were as Palu aNt Charity team together with Santika Palu Hotel Staffs went to Dongi-dongi in order to distribute school supllies to the children there. The background of this activity was based on our concern for the education in Central Sulawesi that less noticed by the government. This program which was initiated by Hotel Santika called ‘Kita Ceria”, it was the stand for “Kamar Santika Cerdaskan Indonesia”.
When we got there, the children welcomed us with enthusiasm. Hotel Santika had designed an interesting and useful event through education and games. The children learned how to actualize their self and to recognize their environment. After playing and studying, we were from aNt Charity Palu did a feeding program. When the main event was coming, Hotel Santika distributed aid in form of school supplies such as writing books, story books, stationeries, black board, president and vice president pictures, flag, and a cubic of the board to repair their damaged school walls.
Because of this event, they were motivated to keep learning and studying. Thanks to Hotel Santika Palu for the concern for Indonesian’s next generation from Dongi-Dongi.